Investing in Stocks

Investing in Stocks: A Beginner’s Guide to Making Smart Investments

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    • Among the most effective ways to grow your money over time is investing in stocks, and it is easier to start than you might think. Setting clear investment goals, defining how much available capital you have, and determining your risk tolerance are all very important if you want to get started correctly.  
    • You will also need to choose a trading platform suitable to your style, whether it is thousands of dollars or just $25 a week. Though it may sound overwhelming because of the array of financial jargon and the different movements in the markets, getting to know the basics will hugely improve your confidence toward attaining financial independence. With proper preparation, you will realize that navigating the world of stock trading is quite manageable and rewarding. 

    How to start investing in stocks as beginners? 

    • At the highest level, investing entails defining clear financial goals and aligning the right investments that would help achieve them. This includes a basic understanding of your relationship with risk and how to control it over time.  
    • Once you understand what you are trying to achieve, it is time to act. Thaurus can assist you in deciding whether to invest on your own or seek the professional guidance of a financial planner. We dive deep into each of the key steps to get started investing and to take smart investment decisions throughout your financial journey. 

    Step 1: Define your investment objectives 

    • Initially, Thaurus will help you define your investment objectives. Before account opening and choosing investment products, defining your overall financial goals is quite important. Are you looking to achieve long-term growth or generate income?  
    • Defining your objectives will facilitate the decision-making process that will lead you to your appropriate investments. For example, if this is retirement money, then tax-advantaged accounts like IRAs or 401(k)s may be appropriate, whereas an emergency fund should be placed in a more accessible and less volatile account. 

    Step 2: Choose your investment options 

    • Thaurus will then help you in selecting the right investment vehicles. By your goals, you need to determine which types of accounts you are going to require. A brokerage account offers great flexibility to the hands-on investor who buys and sells stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs with no limits on income or withdrawal.  
    • Also, Thaurus provides a much more automated way with less cost and rebalance automatically, although it does not help in terms of any needs related to more complex financial goals. 

    Step 3: Determine your investment amount 

    • Next, Thaurus will guide you through how much money you actually want to invest. The amount that one invests should be based on one’s goals and time horizon. You will need to figure out a slice of your income that you could continually invest. While 15% is the target for most when it comes to retirement, even 1% is a good starting point if you are really strapped for cash. You need to consider whether you want to invest all at once or use dollar cost averaging to spread your investments out. 

    Step 4: Assess your risk tolerance 

    • Further, Thaurus will help you figure out your risk tolerance and how much risk you are willing to assume to get potential returns. Consider how you feel emotionally regarding changes in the market and answer questionnaires on risk tolerance to see where you stand. Your risk tolerance, once understood, will drive asset allocation, which can be skewed toward stocks, bonds, or any other form of investment based on how much turbulence you can stomach. 

    Step 5: Decide on your investor profile 

    • Moving forward, Thaurus will help you decide on the type of investor you want to be. Your style needs to consider your risk tolerance, goals, and time horizon. You could either opt for short-term strategies such as day trading or swing trading or follow long-term strategies such as index investing, value investing, or dividend investing. Each strategy has its plusses and minuses, so pick one that will help you hit your financial goals based on the risk you’re willing to take. 

    Step 6: Construct your investment portfolio 

    • With your goals, risk tolerance, investment amount, and style already fixed, Thaurus will help you build a portfolio. That entails choosing the right mix of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs that fit most appropriately with your investment strategy and goals. Think about a goals-based approach to cut out individual portfolio segments for divergent objectives and choose the right kind of accounts in which to house your investments be it brokerage accounts, IRAs, or Roth IRAs. 

    Step 7: Review and adjust your portfolio regularly 

    • Finally, Thaurus will help you keep track of your portfolio by rebalancing it periodically. Because the market moves up and down, your asset allocation can drift from its target allocation. By rebalancing your portfolio at regular intervals, typically when you have drifted 5% or more from your target allocation you can stay within the amount of risk that you intend to take on. The ability to automate the rebalancing process makes this process much easier to stay on track without having to make frequent adjustments manually. 

    How much money should you start investing in stocks as beginners? 

    • Determining how much money you should start investing in stocks depends on several factors, including the brokerage firm you choose and the types of investments you are interested in. 

    Brokerage requirements:  

    • Many online brokerages now offer accounts with no minimum deposit requirements, making it possible to begin investing with a relatively small amount of money. This accessibility is a significant change from a decade or two ago when higher minimum deposits were often necessary. 

    Investment prices:  

    • While you can start with a modest sum, the cost of individual stocks and the minimum investment amounts for certain mutual funds or ETFs may influence your initial investment. For example, if you want to purchase shares of a high-priced stock or invest in mutual funds with high minimums, you may need a larger initial investment. 

    Investment options:  

    • Fortunately, the range of investment options available today is broader and more accessible than ever. Fractional shares, offered by many brokerages, allow you to invest in high-priced stocks with smaller amounts of money, enabling you to diversify your investments even if you are starting with less capital. Additionally, low-cost ETFs and mutual funds can be purchased with lower minimum investments compared to the past. 


    • The process of investing in stocks can be both enlightening and attainable with the right guidance. Thaurus empowers complete beginners by providing online comprehensive tools and resources richly packed to enable them to have a great investing experience. From pip value calculators to stop loss limits, pivot point, and all those features that give you peace of mind when making your decisions and handling the risks, it is all here on our platform.  
    • With these tools in hand, you will stride confidently through the stock market to create a strong investment strategy that can lead you to your financial aspirations. Let Thaurus show the way through this exciting venture. 
    • Contact us to know more about investing in stocks and our team will revert in 24 hours.
    Author: Thaurus
    Thaurus is a leading trading platform specialising in stock, forex and commodities trading. Thaurus provides users with deep insights into market dynamics and investment strategy. Backed by a team of experienced experts, Thaurus is dedicated to empowering the investing community with financial knowledge and ability to navigate through the complexities of financial markets.